Australia/New Zealand


Australia had what appeared to be a very short run of it’s own cardbacks before switching to the more popular Canadian card with “offer not available in Australia and New Zealand” sticker on the back.  For more information on the sticker variations, please refer to the article:  Collector’s Blog on Foreign Sticker Variations

The distinction on the front is the yellow offer flag that says “Collect them all”, and the distinction on the back is a block of text replacing any mention of vehicles or promotional offers.  So far only a handful of characters featuring the Australian cardback have surfaced, but it’s possible they made all 12 of the first series.  So far 16 different figures with the “offer not available” sticker have been found, although it would make sense if all 23 first and second series figures were released with that sticker.


Batman Photo Needed
Joker Photo Needed
Penguin penguin_australiapenguin_australia_back
Superman superman_australia_superman_australia_back
Aquaman aquaman_canada_foaquaman_canada_fo_back
Batman batman_canada_fo_australiabatman_canada_fo_australia_back
Darkseid Photo Needed
DeSaad desaad_canada_australiadesaad_canada_australia_back
Dr Fate drfate_canada_australiadrfate_canada_australia_back
Firestorm firestorm_canada_australiafirestorm_canada_australia_back
Flash flash_canada_fo_australiaflash_canada_fo_australia_back
Green Arrow

Photo: Steve N

canada_greenarrow_australiasticker canada_greenarrow_australiasticker_back
Hawkman hawkman_canada_po_australiahawkman_canada_po_australia_back
Kalibak kalibak_canada_australiakalibak_canada_australia_back
Lex Luthor lex_canada_fo_australialex_canada_fo_australia_back
Penguin penguin_canada_po_australiapenguin_canada_po_australia_back
Red Tornado redtornado_canada_australiaredtornado_canada_australia_back
Robin robin_canada_po_australiarobin_canada_po_australia_back
Superman superman_canada_po_australia_superman_canada_po_australia_back
Wonder Woman wonderwoman_canada_po_australia_ wonderwoman_canada_po_australia_back