Mexico (Lili Ledy Super Poderes, Club De Kenner)


Lili Ledy was one of the top toy producers in Mexico in the 70’s and 80’s.  Mexican laws restricted toy imports, meaning, if a toy was sold in Mexico it had to be made in Mexico.  While you may have seen the cheaper quality Mexico Bootlegs before, Lili Ledy were sold to higher end stores like El Palacio De Hierro, Sanborns, Gigante, and a few others.  While these come up on occasion as loose items, finding them packaged is a very tough task.

Aquaman aquaman_lili_ledy aquaman_lili_ledy_back
Batman Photo Needed
Flash Photo Needed
Lex Luthor lex_lilyledy_mexico lex_lilyledy_mexico_back
Robin robin_lilyledy_ robin_lilyledy_back
Superman Photo Needed
Wonder Woman wonderwoman_lilyledy_text wonderwoman_lilyledy_text_back
Wonder Woman
Variation: Missing Back Text
Error: Flash Comic
wonderwoman_lilyledy_flashcomic wonderwoman_lilyledy_flashcomic_back
Lex Soar 7 lexsoar7_lililedy_front



Due to restrictions, seeing imported toys in Mexico was extremely rare and didn’t start happening until the late 80’s.  The next variation of toys were US and Canada released (made in Hong Kong) and imported to Mexico, as exclusives to the Mexico Kenner Club (or “Club De Kenner”).  These sticker variations are among some of the hardest to find Super Powers variations, as well as one of the lesser known.  They sent both 3rd series large cards, and Shell promo Canadian Short cards.  I won’t call them “quality control rejects” but you’ll notice on several of the short cards, a few were mispackaged on Superman cardbacks.


Canada Short Card
Error: Superman miscard
firestorm_canada_small_clubdekenner firestorm_canada_cdk_sticker_back
Green Lantern
Canada Short Card
Error: Superman miscard
greenlantern_canada_smallclubdekennersupermanmiscard greenlantern_canada_cdk_sticker_back
Mister Miracle
US Third Series
mrmiracle_us_clubdekenner mrmiracle_us_clubdekenner_back
Canada Card
Error: Superman miscard
orion_canada_clubdekenner orion_canada_clubdekenner_back
Canada Card
shazam_canada_clubdekenner shazam_canada_clubdekenner_back
Canada Short Card
robin_canada_smallclubdekenner robin_canada_cdk_sticker_back
US Third Series
steppenwolf_us_clubdekenner steppenwolf_us_clubdekenner_back
Canada Short Card
superman_canada_smallclubdekenner superman_cdk_back


Back Detail:



In addition to figures sold in Mexico, there were some figures made in Mexico but sold in the US.  There are 3 characters with variations made in Mexico:  Batman, Flash, and Superman

Batman and Superman are nearly identical to the versions made in Hong Kong except the date stamps, many people confuse these versions with first shot prototypes since they don’t have the date stamps.  First series Flash is easier to differentiate because he uses a different leg mold than the Hong Kong version, although Flash released on second series cardbacks still use the Hong Kong legs.

1st Series (12-back)
Variation: Alternate Legs
flash_us_mexico flash_us_mexico_back
2nd Series (23-back)
flash_us_23fco_ flash_us_23fco_back
1st Series (12-back)
Variation: No Date Stamp
Photo Needed
2nd Series (23-back)
Variation: No Date Stamp
batman_us_23fco_see batman_us_23fco_free_back
1st Series (12-back)
Variation: No Date Stamp
superman_us_12fco_mexico superman_us_12fco_mexico_back